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You are invited to participate in Carillion's Stakeholder Consultation.

Carillion is committed to sustainability, in terms of the way it runs its business and the solutions it provides for its customers. In order to ensure the business focuses its attention on the right areas it is vital that stakeholders are consulted; to understand how you feel we are performing and what more we can do to help you meet your own sustainability objectives.

In this survey, you will be asked to respond to questions about important sustainability issues. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and your responses will be strictly confidential. A third party engagement specialist has been appointed to ensure confidentiality and the data from this research will only be reported as aggregate.

Carillion really values your opinion. Therefore, for every person who completes this survey, Carillion will donate £10 to children’s charity Barnardos, up to a total of £1,000.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.


About You

In this section, we want to find out about you and your relationship with Carillion.

* Which of the following best describes your relationship with Carillion? Are you a:
select one
Supply chain partner
Community member
Sustainability organisation or advisor
* Within which business segment do you primarily work?
Select one
Support services
Public Private Partnership projects
Construction services
Central/Corporate function
* Within which country are you primarily based?
Select one
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
* What is your primary role?
Select one
* Which of Carillion's business segments do you deal with most regularly?
Select one
Support services
Public Private Partnership projects
Construction services
Central/Corporate function
* Within which country are you primarily based?
Select one
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates

Important Sustainability issues

In this section, we want to find out about the important sustainability issues that are linked to your work with Carillion, and on which you would most want to see us report on our progress.

Carillion's Positive Outcomes reflect the key sustainability issues that we identified as important to our stakeholders and to our business. They encompass our economic, environmental, and social contributions and impacts and form the basis of our 2020 Sustainability Strategy.


Enabling low carbon economies

* Which of the following related issues are significant to you or your organisation as a stakeholder of Carillion?
Collaborating to build low-carbon economies
Sustainable design
Tackling fuel poverty
Meeting our carbon targets
Our carbon footprint


Enabling low carbon economies

Please score the importance you attach to each issue in the context of your relationship with Carillion.

Protecting the environment

* Which of the following related issues are significant to you or your organisation as a stakeholder of Carillion?
Environmental management
Site management and remediation
Materials and responsible sourcing


Protecting the environment

Please score the importance you attach to each issue in the context of your relationship with Carillion.

Supporting sustainable communities

* Which of the following related issues are significant to you or your organisation as a stakeholder of Carillion?
A positive legacy for our communities
Employment and education
Helping the unemployed into stable employment
Championing the value of apprenticeships
Charitable giving and volunteering
Community engagement


Supporting sustainable communities

Please score the importance you attach to each issue in the context of your relationship with Carillion.

Providing better prospects for our people

* Which of the following related issues are significant to you or your organisation as a stakeholder of Carillion?
Health and wellbeing
Recruiting and retaining excellent people
Engaging our people
Learning and development
Promoting diversity
Helping minority groups to find employment
Our people and sustainability
Labour practices including the Living Wage


Providing better prospects for our people

Please score the importance you attach to each issue in the context of your relationship with Carillion.

Leading the way in our sector

* Which of the following related issues are significant to you or your organisation as a stakeholder of Carillion?
Customer satisfaction and feedback
Sustainable solutions for our customers
Partnering with our suppliers
Supply chain management
Human rights


Leading the way in our sector

Please score the importance you attach to each issue in the context of your relationship with Carillion.

Building a successful business

* Which of the following related issues are significant to you or your organisation as a stakeholder of Carillion?
Governance and sustainability management
Financial performance
Stakeholder value
Revenue linked to sustainability
Bribery and corruption


Building a successful business

Please score the importance you attach to each issue in the context of your relationship with Carillion.

Below are all the sustainability issues you chose as significant in the previous section.

Please confirm the issues selected are significant to you or your organisation as a stakeholder of Carillion.

Please can you rank these significant issues in order of importance
(from most important to least important)
Drag your choices here to rank them
    Please score the importance you attach to each issue in the context of your relationship with Carillion

    Other aspects of our approach to sustainability

    In this section, we want to find out more about some other aspects of our approach to sustainability.


    * Which three of the following megatrends do you think will become most significant to Carillion over the next 10 years?
    Resource stress
    Climate change
    Public debt
    Economic interconnectedness
    Enabling technology
    Rise of the individual
    Economic power shift


    Value of sustainability

    * What value and opportunities do you believe having a strong performance in sustainability creates for Carillion?
    * How do our sustainability strategy and communications help you meet your own objectives?
    * What do you think we could do differently to more effectively communicate our approach and progress on sustainability?

    Frameworks, standards and benchmarks

    * At a global level?
    * At a national/local level?
    * Are you aware of the United Nations Global Compact initiative?
    * Do you think this is an initiative in which Carillion should participate?

    Differentiation from the competition

    In which of our Positive Outcome areas do you think Carillion has the strongest track record and/or has made the most progress?
    Enabling low-carbon economies
    Protecting the environment
    Supporting sustainable communities
    Providing better prospects for our people
    Leading the way in our sector
    Building a successful business
    Please name ONE key competitor to Carillion that is relevant to your role and location?
    In which of our Positive Outcome areas do you think this competitor has the strongest track record?
    Enabling low-carbon economies
    Protecting the environment
    Supporting sustainable communities
    Providing better prospects for our people
    Leading the way in our sector
    Building a successful business
    Do you have any further comments about Carillion's approach to sustainability?
    If you would like to further engage with Carillion please leave your contact details below:
    First Name : 
    Last Name : 
    Email Address :